Monday, April 22, 2013

who i will become

I want to become a Nurse someday and work in a hospital. I have always wanted to be in the medical feild, even though i changed my mind on what I wanted to be quite a few times. I am 100% this time though! :) I am so excited for my future and what it will become though. Part of me just wants to fast forward and then rewind again, just so that I can see. Possibly make some changes if i could. If i was to say where I want to be in 5 years, I would have to say finishing up college and possibly engaged! :) That is really exciting to think about...a little scary to though.

In about 10 years i would say married and with child or hopefully a child on the way because i want to have my kids young while I am able to do things and keep up with them. I cannot wait to have kids being completly honest. I want a big family, because i like having brothers and sisters. Sometimes I wish I had more though! :) I love getting together at family things and having a lot of people that I am close with and love. You can just feel the love between family and its touching....sounds cheesy but so true! 

I hope that when I am older that I can be a good role model for people around me and my children. I know there are certain people I look up to and want to be that way. I just hope that i can be one of those people someday. Being a nurse as I hope to be I think that I will be! I want to be able to be that nurse that people come to when they don't know the answer. I will be loyal and a great friend.

I would love to travel in my future too!! I want to go to Greece, Australia, Paris, Italy, Brazil, and Africa. Many more but those are some of my tops picks. They would be so awesome!!! I want to go to Italy just for the food, ya I am sure its a great place besides that, but the main reason is for all the pasta and pizza! Italian food is my favorite, if ya couldn't tell already. :) I have wanted to go to Greece since I saw the move "MAMA MIA" Great movie too!! :) It just looks so beautiful and the water is soo blue there. If I went to all these places I wouldn't want to come back to Iowa though!! 

I plan on making my mark on life by making a difference in the life of another person. I seriously want to save someones life so bad! I want to be the one to call the shot on what to do in the hospital room just once at least and save the person from what ever it is! Not to have all the attention or another like that, but just because that is on my bucket list and I definitely will check it off someday! :)

growing up

Growing up I don't have many event I remember with my family...I really don't remember much of anything from my childhood except like some school things. My father has told me that when I got my first bike and had first learned to ride it that I was so excited I just kept riding, and eventually ended up at Simpson. I live just a few blocks away so it wasn't too far but still as a parent I can imagine it would be quite scary. But hey I was just a little girl excited about riding her bike! :) I think of it as my dad should have been watching me better.

My parents got divorced when I was about 3 years old. obviously I don't remember a thing aboutit and   honestly I am glad I don't, although i wonder all the time what my life would be like is they were still together?! Thats something i will never find out though. Probably the best that way, because know they don't get along to well.

I think that Working with m grandpa doing kettle Korn all my life has helped with my social skills a little bit and communication skills. Working with him I have many fond memories of going different places to work. For Example my favorite one is....When my aunt and my great aunt were on our way back from Marquette Iowa, because we worked there all weekend. We were sitting in this restaurant and we were finishing up eating, my aunt is looking at the check and I am just sitting there on my phone and all of the sudden my great aunt slams her hand on the table for no apparent reason and scared the living crap out of both of us. We could not stop laughing the rest of the way home  and i can still see up sitting there to this day and picture it all happening, like it was only yesterday! :) 

One of my memroies from elementary school was when my friends, Jess, Kati, and I would always play hide and seek at recess! Every single day that is what we would do and we absolutely loved it!Usually  Jess and I would get in the dumbest little fights about nothings and pretty much hate each other on Friday, but we would come back Monday and be best friends again! That is good but I didn't know that we would still be such GREAT friends to this day!!! :) 

Prom....10x better than last year! I loved prom this year. o many reasons why too
the dance
after prom
the group

Dinner...the restaurant we went to this year was called Americana. I just ordered a salad and it was great! Last years dinner I was disgusted with. Seriously I probably only ate about 5 bites of my dinner last year and I felt bad cause it was like 10 dollars, so it was a complete waste. Also after dinner this year my boyfriend and I stopped and had ice cream before we went to the dance and it was pretty good... I mean any ice cream is good:) but It was fudge almond ice cream with Oreos in it!

The dance was better because I didn't dance near as much and we got better pictures this year than last. I only dances one slow song and one fast song! compared to last year we danced forever and me not being much of a dancer in the first place didn't like it all that much! This year we left early too, so that was a big plus! :)

Pictues were better becasue there was a lot less people to try and get together for a group picture. We only had 6 people in our group...compared to last year having 18!!! way to many people, also last year we were squished in this limo that only was suppoed to fit 15 comfortably. I also liked my dress better this year and I just looked better all the way around to pictures were just better:) My mom was not very happy with pictures though. It was becasue our camera ran out of bettery and just that morning she had told me to charge it. When I turned the camera on that morning it said it was fully chraged I didn't and half way through the pictures it said battery exhausted:( Its okay though we will get them from other people.

Our group was more close than last year....meaning it was only six and we all knew eachother better. My junior year there was too many people we couldn't all talk and I didn't know some of them that well. I had more fun with my date too. Sounds bad but last year there were just parts I didn't like with my date. This year he was pretty good and just went with the flow:)

Over all Prom was great and like I said 10x better than last year. I just simply had a lot more fun! I will forever remember it all and when i think about it in the future there isn't really one thing that i will remember more than others...I will remember it all! :) 

more about me

I'm not really passionate about anything. I guess you could say that I'm passionate about medical stuff. I really enjoy learning about the body and how it works. It really is an amazing thing how the body works together and the things it can handle and everything that it can do. I love that going into the medical field as I am planning I could potentially save someone's life. That has been on my bucket list, to save someone's life. Not only am I saving them but they change my life too and that is a great feeling!


 I also love music! Music is always my go-to. It makes me so happy and I listen to all kinds of music and different genres. I have a specific playlist on Pandora that I listen to for my mood. I have a station for any type of mood that I am in and it is just so amazing! If you don’t have Pandora, then you should probably get one!
Try it out! :) you will love it!


I'm not really sure what I am passionate about, but I do always try to be a good person and try my best at things. I Try going to church every Sunday and staying involved in my church youth group. I enjoy my youth group a lot. Its fun and the people there are not the people I talk to all the time at school, so it is almost a way of getting away! It also helps with just taking my mind off of things that have bothered me or thinking about homework. I attend my mission trips through church and really enjoy it. I love going somewhere and not knowing the people and just being able to help with something that they may not have3 been able to do because of money in the past, and here we come and do the job for them plus they don’t have to worry about the expenses because we are doing it. It makes me so happy to be able to do that, even though at the time I might hate it and just want to die; in the long run it’s great and makes me feel great.


I think of myself as being pretty healthy. I gave up sweets for lent and did an awesome job! I was actually really proud of myself because I love to eat all that stuff! :) I workout every day and enjoy being active instead of just sitting around doing nothing all the time! I always try to make the best choice of food; I compare food labels all the time and really try to limit my sweets that I eat. It can be really hard for me at times but I can get past it eventually. When I do eat badly I always regret it the next day, so that helps sometimes when I am trying to decide whether or not to eat it. For the most part I have a pretty healthy lifestyle and try helping the people around me like my mom and closest relatives on what to eat and what is healthy.









Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hello, my name is Brittany Nicole Blanford. I am 17 years old and I am a senior at Indianola High School. I have a brother and a sister. My brother right now lives in Colorado with my dad and my sister lives down in Branson Missouri. We just went down there a couple weekends ago to see them because my nephew had tubes in his ears. I play tennis and am involved in my STAT youth group. I am a nice person, I guess I don't really know what makes me nice except that I am nice to people. I am a pretty understanding person and like to do things with people. I'm very social around people I know but when I'm around all people that I do not know I am a little quiet until I get to know them more. Family and Friends is the most important thing to me, I do not know what I would do without them. I am always busy with different things here and there and don't have much time to do extra thing. I am a pretty open person too, when I am getting to know someone I tend to talk about my self a lot. My best friend Taylor has been in my life since I was about 4 weeks old and is still my best friend. I am a pretty random person as you can probably tell; I am jumping around topics a lot. I am very blunt meaning I always say what's on my mind and if you do not like that then in guess don't ask my opinion. I am an INFP; meaning that I am introverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving. I am a pretty bubbly person and enjoy being outside doing things! My favorite place to visit is Florida, because of the beach! I LOVE the beach so much! Its so relaxing and a great place to visit. My favorite color is blue, it hold so much meaning in my opinion. But I guess my favorite shade of blue is like royal blue. It’s bright and colorful and simply pretty. My favorite animal is a giraffe, I just love giraffe print. My favorite subject in class is anatomy and Physiology, I love learning about the body and all that cool stuff. It’s so cool to me. I want to go to Mercy College for nursing. I’m just waiting on them to accept me. After that I want to get my BSN since that will be required soon to even get a job in nursing. I hopefully have a bright future ahead of me and can’t wait to see what it holds.  That’s me I guess, there is a lot to me and about me as a person.