Monday, April 22, 2013

who i will become

I want to become a Nurse someday and work in a hospital. I have always wanted to be in the medical feild, even though i changed my mind on what I wanted to be quite a few times. I am 100% this time though! :) I am so excited for my future and what it will become though. Part of me just wants to fast forward and then rewind again, just so that I can see. Possibly make some changes if i could. If i was to say where I want to be in 5 years, I would have to say finishing up college and possibly engaged! :) That is really exciting to think about...a little scary to though.

In about 10 years i would say married and with child or hopefully a child on the way because i want to have my kids young while I am able to do things and keep up with them. I cannot wait to have kids being completly honest. I want a big family, because i like having brothers and sisters. Sometimes I wish I had more though! :) I love getting together at family things and having a lot of people that I am close with and love. You can just feel the love between family and its touching....sounds cheesy but so true! 

I hope that when I am older that I can be a good role model for people around me and my children. I know there are certain people I look up to and want to be that way. I just hope that i can be one of those people someday. Being a nurse as I hope to be I think that I will be! I want to be able to be that nurse that people come to when they don't know the answer. I will be loyal and a great friend.

I would love to travel in my future too!! I want to go to Greece, Australia, Paris, Italy, Brazil, and Africa. Many more but those are some of my tops picks. They would be so awesome!!! I want to go to Italy just for the food, ya I am sure its a great place besides that, but the main reason is for all the pasta and pizza! Italian food is my favorite, if ya couldn't tell already. :) I have wanted to go to Greece since I saw the move "MAMA MIA" Great movie too!! :) It just looks so beautiful and the water is soo blue there. If I went to all these places I wouldn't want to come back to Iowa though!! 

I plan on making my mark on life by making a difference in the life of another person. I seriously want to save someones life so bad! I want to be the one to call the shot on what to do in the hospital room just once at least and save the person from what ever it is! Not to have all the attention or another like that, but just because that is on my bucket list and I definitely will check it off someday! :)

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